Terms & Conditions

This document sets out the terms and conditions of the agreement between you and Gateway Training Academy Pty Ltd for the provision of the Course(s) you undertake with or through Gateway Training Academy (‘Terms and Conditions’). 


1.1.    These Terms and Conditions apply to the Course  to be undertaken asselected by you and  listed in Item 2 of Schedule 1. The Course is a full fee for service course and you are liable to Gateway Training Academy for 100% of the fees for the Course. 

1.2.    These Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with Gateway Training Academy's Student Handbook and Gateway Training Academy's Policies and Procedures published on Gateway Training Academy's website gateway.edu.au.

1.3.    It’s important to familiarise yourself with Gateway Training Academy's Student Handbook and Gateway Training Academy's Policies and Procedures prior to applying to enrol in one of Gateway Training Academy's Courses as they contain information on, among other things:

  1.3.1.    Academic Policy
  1.3.2.    Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer
  1.3.3.    Contact details of various support services
  1.3.4.    How to access support and assistance during training
  1.3.5.    Consumer protection including complaints resolution
  1.3.6.    How to defer or discontinue training

  1.3.7.    Fees

1.4.    Gateway Training Academy's Policies and Procedures and Student Handbook may be amended by Gateway Training Academy's from time to time. Except to the extent required by law, Gateway Training Academy's Policies and Procedures and Student Handbook, and any changes thereto, shall not be inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions, and in the event of an inconsistency, these Terms and Conditions prevail.

1.5.    Gateway Training Academy’s is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of its RTO personnel and participant records. Gateway complies with the Privacy Act 1988 including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as outlined in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

1.6.    Your personal information will be shared with third parties including the Australian Government and designated authorities. This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and will be shared, collected, stored, used and disclosed in the circumstances set out in Gateway Training Academy’s Privacy Policy, including where Gateway Training Academy’s needs to share, collect, use, store and/or disclose your personal information to provide you with the Course or as required by law.  

1.7.    For more information please see read our Privacy Policy, which is subject to change from time to time as Gateway Training Academy’s business needs change or as required by law. Gateway Training Academy’s encourages you to review its website, or request a copy, to ensure that you are aware of the current Privacy Policy. By accepting these Terms and Conditions you also acknowledge that you have read and agree to Gateway Training Academy’s Privacy Policy. 

1.8.    You must notify Gateway Training Academy’s of a change of address or your other details while enrolled in the Course.

1.9.    These Terms and Conditions must be signed or otherwise accepted by your parent or legal guardian if you are under 18 years of age. Your parent or legal guardian is liable for the Course Fee and any monies that become due and payable under these Terms and Conditions if you are under the age of 18.

1.10.    These Terms and Conditions will have immediate effect and be binding on you from the date that you submit your application for enrolment, however, your enrolment is subject to the conditions set out in clause 4. Your place in your selected Course is not guaranteed until we send you an enrolment confirmation letter. 

1.11.    Any agreement, arrangement or other dealing in connection with a Course provided by Gateway Training Academy’s to you is taken to have been entered into subject to these Terms and Conditions.  To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the provision of any other agreement, arrangement or other dealing in connection with a Course, these Terms and Conditions will prevail unless expressly stated otherwise.  This clause applies despite the fact that any such agreement, arrangement or dealing does not refer to these Terms and Conditions and/or may be in direct conflict with these conditions of contract.

1.12.    No amendments to these Terms and Conditions (purported to be made by you) shall be binding on Gateway Training Academy’s unless agreed in writing by a Director of Gateway Training Academy’s or a person authorized in writing by them.


2.1.    The monies payable by you for the Course are itemized in Item 3 of Schedule 1 (Course Fees), however, Gateway is entitled to charge fees for services provided to students. These charges are generally for items such as administrative fees, course materials, text books, student services and training and assessment services (Course Related Charges), further details of which can be accessed on Gateway Training Academy’s Website including advice on the potential for such charges to change during your course gateway.edu.au.

2.2.    Where a supply in connection with a Course by Gateway Training Academy’s is a taxable supply for the purposes of any legislation in respect of goods and services tax (GST), GST at the appropriate rate will be added to all prices quoted and will be separately detailed on all invoices.


3.1.    Gateway Training Academy’s will provide the Course to you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 

3.2.    Australian law requires providers of education and training courses to to be registered and sets out other requirements which Gateway Training Academy’s, any affiliates and educational agents have to comply with.

3.3.    As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Gateway Training Academy’s must and will comply with all legislation, ordinances, rules, regulations, other delegated legislation, codes, guidelines, standards, and the requirements of any Authority so far as these may affect or apply to RTOs, vocational courses, the Course or Gateway Academy’s business including: 

  3.3.1.    the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act);

  3.3.2.    the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, made under subsection 185(1) and subsection 186(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.

  3.3.3.    The ACPET Code of Ethics for Members, including:    ACPET’s Revised Code of Ethics and New Code of Practice    The Code of Practice Principles    The ACPET Preferred Agent/Broker List    The Code of Conduct for Agents/Brokers on the ACPET Preferred Agent/Broker List


3.4.    Gateway Training Academy’s may deliver a Course in conjunction with other RTOs that may or may not be related entities of Gateway Training Academy’s (Affiliates). Details of Gateway Training Academy’s Affiliates are available on the relevant course page on the Gateway Training Academy’s website. Where an Affiliate assists to provide your course, for example, it may be responsible for developing a curriculum, awarding your qualification or providing tuition. Gateway Training Academy’s is responsible for its Affiliates and you will still be bound by this Agreement in respect of any Course delivered by Gateway Training Academy’s in conjunction with its Affiliates. 

3.5.    Gateway Training Academy’s takes all reasonable measures to use education agents that have an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Australian education industry and not use education agents who are dishonest or lack integrity. 

3.6.    If you know or suspect that an education agent acting or purporting to act on behalf of Gateway Training Academy’s has engaged in, dishonest, false, misleading or unethical practices or has been negligent, careless or incompetent, you must notify us immediately so that we can take immediate corrective and preventative action.

3.7.    Gateway Training Academy’s will ensure that its staff are suitably qualified or experienced in relation to the functions they perform in connection with your Course and that its education resources, including facilities, equipment, learning and library resources and premises, are adequate to support to the delivery of the Course to you. 


4.1.    Your enrolment in a Course is conditional upon acceptance by Gateway Training Academy’s of your enrolment in a Course.

4.2.    By accepting these Terms and Conditions you acknowledge and warrant that you understand and accept the prerequisites, requirements, costs and obligations that you will incur by enrolling in a Course with Gateway Training Academy’s, including those set out in Gateway Training Academy’s Policies and Procedures and Gateway Academy’s Student Handbook.

4.3.    Acceptance of your enrolment is at Gateway Academy’s discretion.

4.4.    Enrolment may be refused for any reason, including if Gateway Academy’s considers:

  4.4.1.    that you do not have the qualifications, experience and English language proficiency appropriate for the Course;

  4.4.2.    that accepting your enrolment would be a breach of any Laws;

  4.4.3.    that you will not be able to complete the Course;

  4.4.4.    you fail to pay any upfront fees, deposits or instalments required by your Course.

4.5.    Gateway Training Academy’s offers a 7 day ‘cooling off period’ which allows you to cancel these Terms and Conditions and your Course within 7 days after you submit your application for enrolment. You may cancel these Terms and Conditions and your Course for any reason within the 7 day period after you submit your application for enrolment by written notice to Gateway Training Academy’s, by email. A $100.00 administration fee will be payable for any cancellations within the cooling off period.


5.1.    Subject to you complying with these Terms and Conditions, Gateway Training Academy’s will for the duration of your Course: 

  5.1.1.    supply to you materials for the first study period of your course;

  5.1.2.    supply to you materials for the subsequent study periods for your course after Gateway Training Academy’s have determined, in its sole discretion, that you have successfully completed the prior study period for your course;

  5.1.3.    provide you with access to MyGateway from your computer where that computer uses computer equipment, computer software and internet (which meet Gateway Academy’s specifications from time to time);

  5.1.4.    provide you with access to learning and administrative support; 

  5.1.5.    grade your assessments, or procure that an Affiliate grade your assessments; and 

  5.1.6.    provide feedback and grades for your assessments through MyGateway.

5.2.    Either Gateway Training Academy’s or its Affiliate (whoever is most appropriate) will issue to you an appropriate certification for your Course once you have successfully completed all study periods and paid all Course Fees associated with your Course.


6.1.    By accepting this Agreement you:

  6.1.1.    warrant that you fulfil all entry requirements and have the required equipment, as specified on the Gateway Training Academy’s website, for the course in which you enrol; 

  6.1.2.    represent and warrant that all information provided to Gateway Training Academy’s at the time of enrolment was accurate and complete and not misleading and that you included all information that may impact on your ability to complete the Course (such as a disability); 

  6.1.3.    agree to pay your Course Fees and any Course Related Charges (plus GST, if applicable) (Fees).

6.2.    If you are paying your Fees by instalments, you must: 

  6.2.1.    complete a Credit Card Authorisation; or

  6.2.2.    complete a Direct Debit Request Service Agreement; and

  6.2.3.    pay all such instalments on or before the due date.

6.3.    If you fail to pay the Fees in accordance with clause 6.1.3 or commit any other default or misconduct in connection with these Terms and Conditions, the Student Handbook and/or Gateway Academy’s Policies and Procedures, then Gateway Training Academy’s may take any action permitted by law and which may include: 

  6.3.1.    withholding the provision of materials for your Course; and/or

  6.3.2.    restricting access to MyGateway; and/or

  6.3.3.    withholding the grading of assessments; and/or

  6.3.4.    ceasing or suspending any obligation Gateway Training Academy’s or an Affiliate has under these Terms and Conditions; and/or

  6.3.5.    notifying relevant credit agencies of your default; and/or

  6.3.6.    withdrawing you from the Course.

6.4.    If you are in arrears in respect of an instalment, the total outstanding balance of any Fees will become immediately due and payable.

6.5.    If you are claiming the Pensioner Education Supplement through Centrelink, then you will be required to make payments to Gateway Training Academy’s using Centrepay. Should you cease to make payments at any time during your course, then Gateway Training Academy’s reserves the right to implement the actions outlined in Clause 6.3 and inform Centrelink of your change in status.

6.6.    You acknowledge and agree that: 

  6.6.1.    you must have access to a computer, computer equipment, computer software and internet (which meet Gateway Training Academy’s's specifications from time to time) while you are completing your course;

  6.6.2.    depending on your particular course, you may be required, at your own expense, to provide additional equipment or materials or undertake additional studies or certifications (these requirements are set out on the Gateway Training Academy’s website); and

  6.6.3.    additional or supplementary learning materials for your course may only be available through the online learning system (the online learning system is known as MyGateway).

  6.6.4.    The Course Fee does not include:    postage of any assessments or other materials by you to Gateway Training Academy’s;    any materials that are listed as “Computer Requirements” or “Additional Requirements” for your particular course on the Gateway Training Academy’s website;    travel, accommodation or other personal costs (such as uniforms) associated with undertaking a work placement or workplace assessments;    Any materials not listed as Resource Materials for the student’s course    Any equipment that will be retained by the student as his or her own personal property;    Excursions if they arise;    Printing of learning materials that are made available online;    Replacing issued learning materials which the student has lost or damaged;    Additional assessment requirements;    Replacement copy of a student’s certificate;    Technology device loan.

  6.6.5.    You must inform Gateway Training Academy’s in writing within seven (7) days of any corrections or changes to your personal details including name, residential or postal address, email address, phone numbers, payment options and banking details.

  6.6.6.    You must retain a copy of all assessments submitted to Gateway Training Academy’s for the duration of your course. Assessments submitted by mail to Gateway Training Academy’s will not be returned to you.

  6.6.7.    You must maintain a current email address for the duration of your course.

  6.6.8.    Gateway Training Academy’s will communicate with you via email and through MyGateway.

  6.6.9.    If your Course contains work placements, workplace assessments or other structured workplace learning (Structured Workplace Learning):    you must find a suitable workplace or workplaces to undertake the Structured Workplace Learning components of your course;    Gateway Training Academy’s will assess and determine, in its sole discretion, whether the workplace you identify is suitable for the particular Structured Workplace Learning (depending on the nature of the workplace and the assessment requirements);    you may be required to travel to an appropriate workplace (at your own cost) if you are unable to locate an appropriate workplace within your local area; and    Gateway Training Academy’s may undertake workplace assessments in a range of ways, which may include: completion of a logbook; telephone interviews with you and your supervisor; and completion of a workplace assessment portfolio.    Gateway Training Academy’s may undertake workplace assessments at approved workplaces. If you cannot attend the workplace on the assessment date you must notify Gateway Training Academy’s in writing fourteen (14) days before the assessment date. Failure to attend the assessment or cancellation of the assessment less than 14 days from the assessment date may result in an administrative fee being incurred, which you must pay.    If your Course prepares you to undertake external examinations you are responsible for establishing your own eligibility and making arrangements to attend and pay for any fees and charges with respect to the external examination. Gateway Training Academy’s make no representations regarding external examinations.


7.1.    Any decision to enrol in a Course must be made by you. While Gateway Training Academy’s will provide you with relevant information in relation to the Courses to assist you to make a decision, it makes no guarantees as to Course outcomes such as employment or financial outcomes in Australia or elsewhere.

7.2.    The guarantees, warranties and conditions implied by or provided by law or statute which cannot be excluded by contract are included in these Terms and Conditions. All other guarantees, warranties and conditions under any legislation, the common law, equity, or trade or custom are excluded from these Terms and Conditions unless otherwise expressly stated.

7.3.    Ownership of all copyright, proprietary and intellectual property rights in respect of or arising out of or in connection with the Course, any marketing and study materials, assessment materials and content and any other Course documentation and content (“Course Material”) is vested in and will remain vested in Gateway Training Academy’s or a nominated third party and nothing in these Terms and Conditions confers any proprietary or intellectual property rights on you in respect of the Course Material.

7.4.    You may keep the Course Material that Gateway Training Academy’s provides to you, however you must not reproduce or distribute any part of the Course Material without Gateway Academy’s prior written consent.


8.1.    Subject to the cooling off period and any default by Gateway Training Academy’s in its obligation to provide the Course to you, if you wish to withdraw from your enrolment after submitting your application for enrolment, you will not be entitled to any refund of any of the Fees, and you will be liable to pay the same for the entire duration of the Course. 

8.2.    You must complete your Course (including any Structured Workplace Learning) within the timeframe specified by Gateway Training Academy’s, in your confirmation of your enrolment (Maximum Duration), subject to clause 8.3. 

8.3.    If you are experiencing difficulties completing your and require more time to complete your studies, you may request to defer or extend your studies. To defer or extend your studies, you will need to contact Student Support or make a request to us in writing before the expiration of your Course. Gateway Training Academy’s will only agree to extend or defer your Course where you have not made a previous request and there are extenuating circumstances or special considerations supported by documentation submitted to Gateway Training Academy’s, such as personal difficulties or changed circumstances that are likely to impact on your ability to study. Requests for re-scheduling of any Course or program or subject pursuant to a deferment or extension may incur additional fees or Course Related Charges. 

8.4.    To apply for a Course deferral or extension, you must: 

    8.4.1.    have paid all Fees that are due at the time;

    8.4.2.    submit a completed Course deferral or extension request to Gateway Training Academy’s, and which may require a medical certificate (where applicable); and 

    8.4.3.    advise Gateway Training Academy’s of the date you expect to return to study; and

    8.4.4.    agree to pay any Course deferment or extension fee and administrative charges that may be payable to Gateway Training Academy’s as a condition of your Course deferment or extension at Gateway Training Academy’s absolute discretion.

8.5.    If Gateway Training Academy’s approves your application to defer or extend your study, then Gateway Training Academy’s may, without limitation: 

  8.5.1.    extend the Maximum Duration of your Course by up to six (6) months;

  8.5.2.    agree with you an alternative payment plan, which may include deferral or extension of instalments for up to six (6) months; and/or

  8.5.3.    provide to you additional academic and learning support services.

8.6.    Where there are extenuating circumstances or special considerations of a continuing and serious nature which will materially affect your ability to continue with your Course, and having regard to such circumstances or considerations it is not possible for you to continue or defer or extend the Course, Gateway Training Academy’s may at it absolute discretion agree to: 

  8.6.1.    Accept a written application from you to cancel the Course;

  8.6.2.    release you from the payment of future instalments; and/or

  8.6.3.    grant a pro-rata refund of the Course Fees (taking into account the portion of the Course that has been completed and the costs associated with the provision of learning materials).

8.7.    Gateway Training Academy’s will not consider applications for cancellation due to extenuating circumstances or special considerations for matters including where: 

  8.7.1.    you change jobs;

  8.7.2.    your work hours changes;

  8.7.3.    you move address (including inter-state or international moves);

  8.7.4.    your Course changes as a result of a regulatory change governing Gateway Training Academy’s;

  8.7.5.    you find the Course more difficult, time consuming or stressful than you had expected; or

  8.7.6.    you resign from or terminate your employment.

8.8.    If for any reason you feel that we were unable to fulfil your training requirements and need to move to another provider, Gateway Training Academy’s will assist you with the transition. If you have been found competent in any units of competency, we will issue you with a Statement of Attainment which you can use as Credit Transfer with your new provider. You will still be required to pay any outstanding Fees. To transfer your studies, you will need to contact your Course Coordinator or make a request to us in writing before the expiration of your Course.

8.9.    For the avoidance of doubt, Course Fees will not be refunded as a result of a Course transfer.

8.10.    If you decide to pursue an alternative Course with Gateway Training Academy’s after commencing your studies, you may apply for a Course transfer.

8.11.    To apply for a Course transfer, you must:

  8.11.1.    have paid all Fees that are due at the time; and

  8.11.2.    submit a Course transfer request to Gateway Training Academy’s within three months of the Agreement Date;

8.12.    Gateway Training Academy’s will approve your Course transfer request if:

  8.12.1.    you satisfy the criteria set out in clause 8.11 above;

  8.12.2.    you meet the entry requirements for the Course you wish to transfer to;

  8.12.3.    you have not previously been approved for a Course transfer;

  8.12.4.    the Course you wish to transfer to is taking new enrolments; and

  8.12.5.    you agree to pay all Fees for the new Course; and 

  8.12.6.    you agree to pay any Course transfer fee and administrative charges that may be payable to Gateway Training Academy’s as a condition of your Course transfer at Gateway Training Academy’s absolute discretion.

8.13.    Course Fees will not be refunded as a result of a Course transfer, however, Gateway Training Academy’s, may at its absolute discretion agree to reduce, waive, refund or give you a credit in respect of any Fees paid by you in respect of the original or the new Course where you apply to transfer to a new Gateway Training Academy’s Course  For example, if the new Course is of greater value than your current Course, then Gateway Training Academy’s may only require you to pay additional Course Fees equal to the difference between the value of the original Course and the new Course or if the new Course is of lesser value than your original Course, then Gateway Training Academy’s may allow you to apply the difference between the original Course Fee and the new Course Fee towards a future Course with Gateway Training Academy’s. Any such future course must be commenced within 6 months of the completion of the Course you transfer into.

8.14.    Where Gateway Training Academy’s is unable to provide the Course or there is a serious failure in the provision of the Course by Gateway Training Academy’s, Gateway Training Academy’s will, acting reasonably, offer you:

  8.14.1.    the opportunity to undertake the Course again at no additional cost; or

  8.14.2.    the opportunity to undertake a similar or alternative Course at no additional cost; or

  8.14.3.    a full or pro-rata refund of the Course Fees (taking into account the portion of the Course that has not been completed, whether any completed Course units can be credited and transferred to another Course, and the extent of the failure by Gateway Training Academy’s to provide the Course).

8.15.    New Zealand Citizens may enrol in selected Gateway Training Academy’s Courses subject to the following additional terms:

  8.15.1.    You acknowledge that the qualifications delivered by Gateway Training Academy’s are designed specifically to meet Australian workforce requirements. Further, the Nationally Recognised Training qualifications delivered by Gateway Training Academy’s are developed in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework.

  8.15.2.    You are solely responsible for ascertaining the recognition and appropriateness of your Course to the meet your specific requirements in New Zealand.

  8.15.3.    If your Course contains Structured Workplace Learning, it is your responsibility to:    find an appropriate workplace to undertake the Structured Workplace Learning components of your course in Australia;    ensure that you meet the relevant visa requirements to enable you to undertake your Structured Workplace Learning in Australia and ensure that you have no visa restrictions that will prevent you from undertaking Structured Workplace Learning in Australia; and    complete any necessary regulatory checks, including those that may be required in Australia as specified in the Workplace Assessment Guide for your Course, for example National Police Check and Working with Children Check.


To the extent permitted by Law:

9.1.    Headings are for convenient reference only and do not effect interpretation.

9.2.    A failure by Gateway Training Academy’s to exercise any right under these Terms and Conditions or a delay in exercising any right is not a waiver or variation to that right.  The partial exercise by Gateway Training Academy’s of any right under these Terms and Conditions does not prevent the complete or further exercise of that right.

9.3.    Any failure by Gateway Training Academy’s to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions or any forbearance, delay or indulgence granted by it to the Customer will not be construed as a waiver of Gateway Academy’s rights hereunder.

9.4.    These Terms and Conditions contain the entire understanding between the parties concerning their subject matter and supersede all previous agreements and understandings whether written or oral between the parties in respect of such subject matter.

9.5.    Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these Terms and Conditions, shall be in writing addressed to the other party at the address specified in these Terms and Conditions or such other address as may have been notified pursuant to this provision to the party giving the notice. Such notices may be given by personal delivery, email or post.

9.6.    If part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable then it will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure that it is not illegal, invalid or unenforceable, but if that is not possible, it will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect.

9.7.    These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales and the laws of the Commonwealth and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the New South Wales.

9.8.    Gateway Training Academy’s is a registered training organisation, as such it must comply with the Laws. You acknowledge that Gateway Training Academy’s may be required to make changes to Courses (including units, learning materials and assessments), these Terms and Conditions and the Gateway Training Academy’s Policies and Procedures from time to time. 

9.9.    If Gateway Training Academy’s incurs any cost or expense in connection with exercising, or attempting to exercise, any of its rights pursuant to these Terms and Conditions or otherwise enforcing these Terms and Conditions, the amount of such cost and expense may be recoverable from you.

9.10.    The singular includes the plural and vice versa and words importing a gender include any gender.

9.11.     The word 'person' includes a firm, a partnership, a joint venture, a body corporate, an unincorporated association, any corporate or governmental body or any authority;

9.12.    An Agreement, representation or warranty:

  9.12.1.    in favour of two or more persons is for the benefit of them jointly and severally; and

  9.12.2.    on the part of two or more persons binds them jointly and severally; and

9.13.     A reference to:

  9.13.1.    a party includes the party’s executors, administrators, successors, substitutes (including parties taking by novation) and assigns;

  9.13.2.    a document includes any amendment, supplement, variation, replacement or novation of it;

9.14.     Any Act, statute, regulation, proclamation, ordinance or by-law includes all Acts, statutes, regulations, proclamations, ordinances or by-laws varying consolidating or replacing them and a reference to any Act or statute includes all regulations, proclamations, ordinances and by-laws issued under that Act or statute.

9.15.    A thing includes the whole and each part of it;

9.16.    A group of persons includes all of them collectively, any two or more of them collectively and each of them individually;

9.17.     The president of a body or authority includes any person acting in that capacity; 

9.18.     The word “includes” in any form is not a word of limitation;

9.19.      No rule of construction applies to the disadvantage of Gateway Training Academy’s because it prepared these Terms and Conditions.


Training Courses